Optimal Biz for Mobile Has Been Adopted as the Standard MDM for Tablets Used in Downtown Beijing’s Emergency Vehicles!

Press Release
OPTiM Corporation
Optimal Biz for Mobile Has Been Adopted as the Standard MDM for
Tablets Used in Downtown Beijing’s Emergency Vehicles!
- Optimal Biz for Mobile thus becomes the first MDM to achieve widespread adoption in a Chinese city! -
Tokyo -- March 14, 2014: OPTiM, a leading provider of online IT support solutions that enable creativity, collaboration and convenience, proudly announces that Optimal Biz for Mobile (Japan’s No.1※1 MDM※2) has been adopted as the standard MDM for tablets used in downtown Beijing’s emergency vehicles – making Optimal Biz for Mobile the first MDM to achieve widespread adoption in a Chinese city!
Optimal Biz for Mobile’s website:
In medical situations requiring immediate care, tablets are being increasingly utilized in emergency vehicles. Until now, these tablets lacked an MDM that could ensure the security of patients’ records in the medical field, where the risk of information leak is much higher than almost every other industry.
Through China United Network Communications Group Co., Ltd. (“China Unicom”, headquartered in Beijing, China and led by Chairman of the Board Chang Xiaobing), and in conjunction with Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. and D-Smart MDM of DMX Technologies Group (OPTiM’s OEM partner, headquartered in Hong Kong and led by CEO Jismyl Teo Chor Khin), Optimal Biz for Mobile has been adopted as the standard security service for emergency vehicles in downtown Beijing, and is charged with protecting emergency patients’ electronic medical records. Optimal Biz for Mobile allows first responders to create/view/search an emergency patient’s medical record via a secure network that connects the emergency vehicle to the nearest hospital.
Now that Optimal Biz for Mobile is the standard MDM for emergency vehicles in downtown Beijing, plans are already being made to sequentially expand Optimal Biz for Mobile’s coverage area through China Unicom.
In addition to the cutting-edge remote services and device-detection technologies OPTiM has been developing since its founding, the company has been actively seeking to increase sales and exposure for Optimal Biz for Mobile. OPTiM was the first company in the MDM industry to provide support for Android™4.4, Windows 8.1 and iOS 7.1, and is responding just as quickly to upcoming new OS. Moreover, OPTiM has been working hard to promote its intellectual properties in East Asia. To meet the MDM market’s ever-growing expectations, OPTiM will continue refining and expanding Optimal Biz for Mobile, which is the easiest to operate, most secure, most efficient and fastest MDM on the market today.
※1 Source: “ITR Market View: Enterprise Mobile Management / Mobile Application Development 2013,” by ITR Corporation.
※2 MDM stands for “Mobile Device Management,” an enterprise solution that collectively manages all employee smart devices and offers security when a device is lost or stolen. MDM provides features such as remote lock and prevention of malicious application launch.
About OPTiM
Based in Tokyo, Japan, OPTiM provides solutions that reduce its clients’ support costs, with an overall focus on evolving online experiences to the point that the Internet becomes something you aren’t even conscious of, like breathing. OPTiM’s solutions’ suite includes setup, diagnostic and marketing tools for NGN and home networks, as well as mobile devices, routers, TVs, gaming platforms, multifunction peripherals, servers, printers and DVD recorders.
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