Optimal Biz for Mobile Majorly Upgrades to Version 6.0.0!

Press Release
OPTiM Corporation
Optimal Biz for Mobile Majorly Upgrades to Version 6.0.0!
- Japan’s #1 MDM for three years running is now better than ever! -
Tokyo – March 17, 2014: OPTiM, a leading provider of online IT support solutions that enable creativity, collaboration and convenience, proudly announces that Optimal Biz for Mobile, Japan’s #1※1 MDM※2, has majorly upgraded to version 6.0.0 on March 17. With this upgrade, users can take advantage of new features such as Zone Management※3 -- OPTiM’s proprietary technology which applies the most suitable security settings based on a device’s location -- as well as a new graphical display for device management information. These new features, and many more, are included in the basic fee and available at no extra charge.
Optimal Biz for Mobile’s website:
Watch the YouTube video announcing our major upgrade to 6.0.0!
Zone Management enables the automatic switching of security settings based on a device’s location. OPTiM’s first step was to make available the proxy settings and Wi-Fi filtering settings on Windows devices, based on the information from the wireless access point which detects the device. This enables the automatic switch of settings between one’s office/school and private residence. For example, by limiting access to only the designated access point, the location-appropriate security settings can be automatically applied to the device. As such, Zone Management supports the utilization of Windows devices in BYOD※4 situations, and also supports devices used in schools. OPTiM’s next steps will be to enable auto-switch based on time, and expand the supported OS to Android and iOS.
Regarding the new graphical display for device management information, the upgrade to 6.0.0 means that a device’s status, management and security are all visible on the management site’s top page. This new graphical display enables administrators to grasp a device’s management condition at a glance, saving time and effort that used to be spent on manually making a graph of device information.
Other new features provided with the upgrade to 6.0.0 include the ability to configure Favorites settings and Web Filtering settings for Optimal Biz Browser for iOS, a browser uniquely developed by OPTiM and available via the management site. Also, it’s now possible to remotely delete classified information such as saved passwords thanks to the combining of the Optimal Biz Browser for iOS and Optimal Biz for Mobile application distribution function.
※1 Source: “ITR Market View: Enterprise Mobile Management / Mobile Application Development 2013,” by ITR Corporation
※2 MDM stands for “Mobile Device Management,” a solution for companies wanting to manage their smartphones and tablet devices and be afforded security when a device is lost or stolen. MDM’s security measures are many, and include such deterrents as remote lock and malicious application launch prevention.
※3 Technology that detects a change of zone (a.k.a. location) and alters a device’s applications and services according to said change. (Acquired Patent No.4914414)
※4 BYOD stands for “Bring your own device.” This refers to employees who use their personal mobile devices in the workplace.
About OPTiM
Based in Tokyo, Japan, OPTiM provides solutions that reduce its clients’ support costs, with an overall focus on evolving online experiences to the point that the Internet becomes something you aren’t even conscious of, like breathing. OPTiM’s solutions’ suite includes setup, diagnostic and marketing tools for NGN and home networks, as well as mobile devices, routers, TVs, gaming platforms, multifunction peripherals, servers, printers and DVD recorders.
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※ The corporate names and product names mentioned above are registered trademarks or trademarks.
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※ Windows® is Microsoft Corporation’s registered trademark in the U.S. and other countries.
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