Optimal Biz for Mobile Now Supports Windows RT!

Press Release
OPTiM Corporation
Optimal Biz for Mobile Now Supports Windows RT!
This is Japan’s first device management solution for educational institutions that
use Windows RT for ICT
Tokyo (April 7, 2014) - OPTiM, a leading provider of online IT support solutions that enable creativity, collaboration and convenience, proudly announces that Optimal Biz for Mobile, Japan’s #1※1 MDM※2 for three years running, now support Windows RT※3 8.1 devices -- making it Japan’s first MDM for Windows RT 8.1! This new support service enables educational institutions and companies using Windows RT 8.1 (or considering the introduction of Windows RT 8.1 in the near future) to manage/operate Windows RT 8.1 devices efficiently.
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The utilization and application of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in the educational field, i.e. electronic blackboards and tablet devices, is promoted primarily by Japan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. Windows RT is beneficial in education for two reasons: first, it only features Windows store apps, which allows teachers, instructors, etc. to loosely limit students’ device usage. Second, it comes with Microsoft Office pre-installed. Because of these benefits, tablet PCs with Windows RT are increasingly popular choices for educational devices. However, one obstacle to employing educational ICT is that the initial set-up of new tablet devices often requires IT administrators to install applications on a huge number of devices, and configure the network settings of each device to the school network environment. As such, the heavy workload associated with new device introduction is an issue for schools. Another concern schools have is that students’ studies will be hindered by browsing irrelevant websites during class or in school.
As a solution, Optimal Biz for Mobile now offers a device management feature using MS-MDM※4, which is formulated by Microsoft Corporation (headquartered in Washington state, USA,, and led by CEO Satya Nadella) – making OPTiM Japan’s first MDM vendor to address the resource management of Windows RT 8.1 devices. Also, OPTiM will offer safety features for lost/stolen devices, such as remote lock and remote wipe, and an application management feature + web filtering via our uniquely developed browser for Windows RT 8.1 devices. These features will not only greatly reduce the administrator’s workload when new tablet devices are introduced as part of educational ICT, but also enable the remote deletion of private data when students lose their devices, as well as prohibit students from browsing inappropriate websites and the school’s unofficial BBS --- thus creating an anxiety-free environment for both students and teachers.
OPTiM is committed to the continued diffusion of educational ICT in Japan, and creating a safe, fun environment in which students can learn.
※1 Source: “ITR Market View: Enterprise Mobile Management / Mobile Application Development 2013,” by ITR Corporation
※2 MDM stands for “Mobile Device Management,” a solution for companies wanting to manage their smartphones and tablet devices and be afforded security when a device is lost or stolen. MDM’s security measures are many, and include such deterrents as remote lock and malicious application launch prevention.
※3 Windows RT: An operating system provided by Microsoft Corporation that’s designed for mobile devices with touchscreens, i.e. tablets.
※4 Device management protocol formulated by Microsoft Corporation.
About OPTiM
Based in Tokyo, Japan, OPTiM provides solutions that reduce its clients’ support costs, with an overall focus on evolving online experiences to the point that the Internet becomes something you aren’t even conscious of, like breathing. OPTiM’s solutions’ suite includes setup, diagnostic and marketing tools for NGN and home networks, as well as mobile devices, routers, TVs, gaming platforms, multifunction peripherals, servers, printers and DVD recorders.
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※ The corporate names and product names mentioned above are registered trademarks or trademarks.
※ The information presented in this press release is subject to change without notice.
※ Microsoft, Windows, Word, Excel, and Office are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
※ Windows’ legal name is “Microsoft Windows Operating System”.
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